Offering a retirement plan is a pretty important motivator to attract new talent and retain existing employees.
If you sponsor a 401(k) plan, you likely have employees that are eligible but not yet participating. You may also have employees that are participating, but could be contributing more. Leverage this topic to help promote your plan.
Distribute the e-flyer you select with the email copy provided or send it as a stand-alone email. Please note: the e-flyer contains active hyperlinks and is designed to be delivered electronically.
More is Betterposter
Print and display the poster you select in a common area, like an employee break room or cafeteria.
More is Betterresources
This guide provides participants with an overview of the various tools and resources offered through the Program.
Program Tools & ResourcesSimply download the document and copy and paste the text into your email. You can also attach the e-flyer you select to the email.
More is Betteroverview site
Share this site to introduce your employees to the benefits of participating in your plan and to encourage enrollment.
Welcome to the plan